The Ipswich Choral Society, proudly singing since 1824!

Posted on September 12, 2024 by Sam Sherman

The Ipswich Choral Society is a friendly choir of around 100 members. It is the second oldest Choral Society in England, having been formed in 1824. The Suffolk Chronicle records that the Ipswich Choral Society was founded 24 January 1824 with about 20 members. The newly formed society met on Tuesdays once a fortnight to rehearse for their first concert. Ipswich Choral Society still meet on Tuesdays, although rehearsals are now weekly.

The Society has attracted a membership with a wide range of musical experiences and entertains the public with performances across a varied musical repertoire at venues around Ipswich and further afield. We have also performed abroad in France, Belgium, Austria, Türkiye and Italy.

ICS rehearses on Tuesday nights at Northgate Arts Centre and usually present three main concerts each year, performing in local churches, Ipswich Corn Exchange, Ipswich School and, occasionally, Snape Maltings. We regularly take part in community events, such as Ipswich Music Day and Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph in Christchurch Park and accept invitations for additional concerts in aid of local charities. Rehearsals are usually followed by a visit to The Woolpack pub in Ipswich to encourage the active social scene of the choir!

Ipswich Choral Society is a member of Ipswich Arts Association and Making Music, the national federation of music societies.

Ipswich and Halifax Choral Societies, Snape Maltings

No audition necessary. Annual subscription payable. Please contact our recruitment officer at [email protected] or visit for further details.

Rehearsals held on Tuesdays, 7.30-9.30pm, at Northgate Arts Centre, Sidegate Lane West, Ipswich IP4 3DF.

  • Autumn 2024 Term: 3 September – 10 December, half term break 29 October
  • Spring 2025 Term: 7 January – 8 April, half term break 18 February
  • Summer 2025 Term: 22 April – 1 July, half term break 27 May

This article was submitted by

Fenella Andrews, ICS Publicity officer

Ipswich Choral Society – Proudly singing since 1824

Who wrote this about Ipswich?

Sam Sherman

Sam is a Co-Founder of Passionate about Ipswich, Sam looks to see how we might jointly reverse some of the recent negativity and bring some deserved positivity back to our beloved Town.

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