Ipswich Charter Festival 825 update

Posted on September 20, 2024 by David Matthews

Before the end of September, every Primary School in Ipswich should have received everything needed for Key Stage 2 pupils to learn about Ipswich’s Charter, granted by King John in 1200 AD. This scheme of work, compatible with the National Curriculum, has been commissioned by Ipswich’s civic church of St Mary le Tower, with funds donated by the former Suffolk Children’s University. The materials have been produced by Dale and Aidan Banham, both experienced teachers, with support from The Hold, where Ipswich’s historic archives are kept.

We hope every pupil in Ipswich will explore Ipswich’s historic Charter before the end of this academic year. They will learn why King John was prepared to release the citizens of Ipswich from the powerful sheriff [like the one in Nottingham, fighting Robin Hood]. They will find out how much the citizens of Ipswich had to pay King John to gain their freedom [in silver shillings]. They will discover who the original portmen were [not footballers] and lots more beside.

A similar scheme of work will be issued to every Secondary School for pupils at Key Stage 3. And for students in Years 12 and 13, there is a sophisticated Extended Project to enable them to gain an additional qualification, demonstrating important study skills.

Ipswich’s Charter marks a turning point in our town’s history. It opened the way to new freedoms and opportunities. St Mary le Tower wants every young person in today’s Ipswich to take inspiration from this key event. And have fun too!

Please talk to teachers and find out how they will be making use of these excellent resources.

Further information, published here on the Ipswich.Love website will follow. Get ready for the week starting SATURDAY 21st JUNE 2025.

The image shows a seal created and used in Ipswich following the granting of the town charter by King John.


Who wrote this about Ipswich?

David Matthews

David is a Churchwarden, St Mary-le-Tower and Acting Chair of Trustees of Essex and Suffolk Children’s University. For the last eleven years of his professional career, David was headteacher of a comprehensive school in South London.

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