Have you heard about the ‘Local List’?

Posted on February 4, 2025 by Sam Sherman

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The Local List is, as it describes, a list of buildings in Ipswich which aren’t listed nationally, but which local people value and love.  Those selected to make the formal list are buildings or structures which are important to the town either from a heritage or culture perspective and are taken into account when planning applications are considered.

The list was first devised by The Ipswich Society in 1985.  It was created at the time by hand, drawing together an initial list submitted by members and collated by the Society team.   It was then taken over by IBC in 2012 and a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) published.

Random examples of buildings on the local list are

  • The Cricketers
  • The former St Clements Hospital
  • K6 telephone boxes
  • Boundary markers.

The criteria for inclusion are in Historic England’s Guidance Note; the main aim of a Local List is to provide the protection to an asset outside a conservation area it would have if it were in a conservation area.”  Thus, only assets outside the conservation areas will be considered for inclusion.

The list is reviewed regularly under public consultation by Ipswich Brough Council and is now due in line with the recent announcement:

‘Ipswich Borough Council’s planning department is in the process of updating its Local List and will be asking residents and stakeholders to get in touch to have their say on what local heritage assets should be considered.

Executive will next week be recommended to approve a two-stage consultation which will support the Council in updating its current Local List which was last amended in 2021.

The current Local List contains those buildings in Ipswich which aren’t listed nationally, but which local people value and love. The first stage of the consultation will ask the community to identify undesignated buildings and structures which have historic or townscape value and make a significant contribution to the character and appearance of the borough.

The aim of the list is to safeguard buildings, with their designation taken into account when planning applications are considered.

The second stage of the consultation will invite the public to have their say on the Draft Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest SPD) following shortlisting by an internal panel.

Councillor Carole Jones, Ipswich Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Museums, says:

“The Local List is a fascinating document, and as part of the Council’s update we will be inviting the wider community to share their recommendations for buildings which are of architectural and historic interest or make a significant contribution to the character of Ipswich. We welcome any suggestions people have for additions to the List.

 “The Local List helps the council protect local buildings that are key to the heritage of Ipswich and take them into account when we assess future developments and planning applications.”

Why not take a look at the local list here and have your say?

The current local list can be viewed at: www.ipswich.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/conservation-and-urban-design/local-list-buildings-townscape-interest

There is a short time window allocated by IBC.  Nominations for the list can be seen at: Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) Supplementary Planning Document 2025 | ipswich.gov.uk .

Nominations close 6th March 2025



Who wrote this about Ipswich?

Sam Sherman

Sam is a Co-Founder of Ipswich.love. Passionate about Ipswich, Sam looks to see how we might jointly reverse some of the recent negativity and bring some deserved positivity back to our beloved Town.

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