Become a Friend of Christchurch Park

Posted on August 7, 2024 by Sam Sherman

Christchurch Park is of considerable importance to the town and much loved by those who visit it. With ponds, veteran trees, memorials for the Boer War and the two World Wars, drinking fountains dating back years, a Victorian Arboretum, a shelter that was used by cabmen on the Cornhill and a splendid Tudor mansion – it is a very special place. English Heritage has awarded it a Grade II Listing.

But a Park is more than just its features, it is brought to life by its users and its friends.

The Friends of Christchurch Park is a not for profit organisation which supports all aspects of Park life.

We run a series of events throughout the year, including bird and bat walks and our highly popular ‘Brass on The Grass’ concerts in the summer. We also put on a series of workshops for families and children with Suffolk Wildlife Trust. In addition we contribute to the infrastructure of the Park and have bought exercise equipment for the outdoor gym, bat boxes, bulbs, and wildflower seeds among many other items. We also aim to produce three newsletters a year that provide an update on what is happening in the Park.

Membership is just £10 a year and if you would like to join us please get in touch – our website is or email the acting chairman John Woodcock – [email protected]

Our events are listed at here:

Brass on the Grass

Bird Walks

Bat Walks

Written by John Woodcock

Who wrote this about Ipswich?

Sam Sherman

Sam has more time to spend on interests following a 33-year Board-level career in Container Shipping and International Logistics. Passionate about Ipswich, Sam looks to see how we might jointly reverse some negativity and bring some deserved positivity back to our beloved Town.

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