For the love of all shapes and sizes Written by Wendy Sheppard, Suffolk Mind

Published on October 19, 2023

For the love of all shapes and sizes -

Dear Ipswich, How are things with you?

I love Ipswich for its buildings and great architecture, not just the obvious landmarks that dominate our town such as the WTW building, the wonderful Ancient House, the University and Christchurch Mansion, but also the varying shapes, size and age range of the architecture that shares the same space.

I took my kids to school only today and sat at the roundabout adjacent to the Novotel. In front of me, I gazed at tall residential flats that dominate the skyline, the shell of Paul’s silo, two fantastic proud heritage churches, some directly in front of me and the others farther away in the background. Directly in front of me, the the little red Tudor house on College Street that I can only describe as the house from the film ‘Up’ – I for once, let time stand still for a moment whilst I just took it all in.

Wendy Sheppard
Suffolk Mind

Love Letters to Ipswich

A vintage illustration of the Ancient House, Ipswich

For the love of visiting from Seattle

Bringing friends to visit Ipswich over the years is something that fills me with pride. I love Ipswich for the new and old sights and the hugs that I know are waiting for me when I arrive.

For the love of visiting from Seattle -

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For the love of kindness and diversity -

For the love of kindness and diversity

I left Ipswich at 18 swearing to never return, never get married and never have children.

For the love of kindness and diversity -

By Claire Staddon

For the love of Dot Cotton -

For the love of Dot Cotton

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For the love of Dot Cotton -

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For the love of taking another look -

For the love of taking another look

I have lived in Ipswich and brought up children here over the last 30 years so it must be love!

For the love of taking another look -

By Lucy Williams

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