For the love of accountability and aspiration Written by Lynn Turner,

Published on October 5, 2024

For the love of accountability and aspiration -

Dear Ipswich, How are tricks?

I once again had a casual get together to discuss Ipswich. With My hometown and a town that I have fought tirelessly for many years. I have given my time and dedication to not only change the views of locals but to challenge local government, businesses, and anyone else who would listen to change their views and perception of Ipswich.

I believe that Ipswich being the county town of Suffolk has much to offer, has a wonderful heritage with not only a waterfront legacy but incredible architecture and wonderful possibilities. Shamefully despite challenging so-called and well-paid leaders of both the council leaders, MPs, leaders of businesses, journalists, and anyone else I though could make a difference or direct change. Sadly, both myself and my compadre Mark Ling, despite even standing for council as independents, not wanting to reflect or be affiliated to any political party, have been left battered and bruised and achieved nothing in 10 years.

Over lunch and being asked to reflect on our efforts and remain passionate and ready to continue our fight, we still had felt battered and bruised despite wanting to love our town and desperate for a positive outlook and change for Ipswich with

But our overall response is that despite all the good intentions, the money thrown at Ipswich Central, thrown as new websites, hair brained schemes and a disgusting waste of money and resources Ipswich is still in total freefall.

Yes, we have been exploited by the previous administration by sending us, a sanctuary town, more than we were not ready for, a whole new culture of people that is going to take another generation to absorb and be part of our own community and ours also to be part of theirs, as we have little or no resources to help us to achieve this.  This despite us all being open to change but ill prepared to accept.

The biggest and probably to travesty to Ipswich is the lack of vision, imagination, strategy, and the ability to achieve any results is Ipswich Borough Council, the leadership, from the demise of James Hehir has been absolutely appalling. Not a single CEO since has had the courage, imagination, or the strength to drive forward any change or improvement since. The lacklustre and non vision remains forefront of the demise of our town. The lack of cohesive vision and working for the good of the people, who pay their wages, between Suffolk County Council and IBC has been detrimental to both the growth of Ipswich and its vision for the future.

They may have their own agendas but who is at the receiving end of all this…? The people of Ipswich.

Bottom of the pile. No alternatives bridges to take away the traffic from the town centre, no alternative when the Orwell Bridge fails, the fall out for Felixstowe and surrounding businesses when this happens. No alternative for the Copdock Interchange. Where is our bypass?

Do not blame finances…. We missed out when the LEP were begging us to apply and dish out finances. I could go on and on. For various projects that no-one had the vision to apply for (and these are just the big things). The little things which are also particularly important, such as keeping our wonderful town clean and safe. How hard would it be to collect the rubbish after the shops are shut before the seagulls get to the bins and bags? Managing the plant boxes, the small policing issues that make our streets safer and do not get me started on the parking. Is this the only way the IBC can claw back money? Such small thinking….

We have so much to offer, so much talent and good people in our town. Great theatres, a magnificent Dance House, enviable music venues and museums. A university and college, some great businesses, the arts, the music, and a community that thrives and exist despite the negativity of both residents and outsiders of Ipswich. How can we all change our stinking thinking and be more positive?

I believe it is going to take many years, a generation of our new residents to both engage and embrace the culture and community of our town.

What is important is make our council accountable, and I do not know who to!  From the leaders of all departments responsible for the strategy, results, sustainability, and growth.

All we can see is a lack of cohesive joined up thinking, resulting in both waste in time and money. Look at other nearby councils who have better results and achieved so much more. What are they doing right?

We just want to have some hope. See our beloved town thrive and survive despite all that is happening in the world. See those in charge here take responsibility and drive forward with a strong vision and plan for Ipswich. Be inspirational. Is this too much to ask for? #Ipswichlove #wechooseipswich

Lynn Turner

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