Hidden Tudors – Uncovering Black History
Suffolk Archives, Ipswich
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Information - Hidden Tudors – Uncovering Black History
Ivya Scott is a Black History Consultant. She has worked as the Lead Black History Consultant across London boroughs, supporting schools and teachers to integrate a Black Perspective into their school curriculum. She was a Primary Teacher, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Service and is currently the Research and Exhibition Lead for Suffolk Windrush. Ivya is currently doing a PHD on decolonising.
This presentation delves into the Tudor era, unveiling narratives of black individuals. From the reign of Henry VII to Elizabeth I, it explores their diverse roles, and contributions to Tudor England. Profiles of figures like Mary Fillis and Reasonable Blackman showcase their resilience and cultural significance. The talk will touch on the interconnectedness of Tudor England with African History, global trade and exploration. By reclaiming these lost stories, it will advocate for a more inclusive understanding of history. By acknowledging and celebrating the presence of Black Tudors, the presentation encourages a broader perspective on the complexities of the past and its lasting impact.