Join us for a day of family fun and celebrating nature! Get hands-on with crafts, use high tech equipment to listen to plants grow, and discover more about the world around us.
We’ll be joined by Make Play who are bringing their history-inspired garden. This playscape is a unique play experience for families with children under 5. Designed to ignite young imaginations, this garden is like nothing you’ve seen before!
No booking required, just drop-in.
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The Ipswich Choral Society is a friendly choir of around 100 members. It is the second oldest Choral Society in England, having been formed in 1824. The Suffolk Chronicle records that the Ipswich Choral Society was founded 24 January 1824 with about 20 members. The newly formed society met on Tuesdays once a fortnight to […]
Have you ever taken a walk around Ipswich and noticed the beautiful parks, traditional architecture and gorgeous churches? There will be more of an expert than me who can tell you about these wonderful parts and history of Ipswich. But what I can tell you is that by walking in nature you can significantly improve […]
GeoSuffolk’s new, free leaflet focusing on the geology of our townscape will be launched at St Peters by the Waterfront on September 14th to celebrate Heritage Open Days. It is the latest in a series of leaflets we have written on the geology of Suffolk – all on our website. There is such a wealth […]