We are thrilled to announce that Suffolk New College has been honoured with admission to The Chartered Institution for Further Education.

Alan Pease, Principal & Chief Executive Officer accepted this prestigious recognition from The Rt Hon The Lord Lingfield Kt DL (Chairman), marking a significant milestone for our institution.

The ceremony was made even more special as it coincided with the admission of our esteemed colleagues Kayleigh Norris, Michael Mears, and Charlie Simmans as Associates of the same institution. These talented individuals, who are also AoC Experts from The College Collective, have demonstrated exemplary standards and high levels of achievement in the Further Education sector. Congratulations to them for showcasing the best of our field!

The event was attended by several key members of the College team, including Marianne Flack, Mary Gleave, Lee Mandley, Greer Hill and Emma Taylor.
Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to the entire team at Suffolk New College. Your unwavering commitment to providing excellence in Further Education has been recognised in such a prestigious manner. This accolade is a testament to the high standards and effective practices that define our institution.
Together, we continue to strive for excellence and make significant strides in the field of Further Education. Congratulations to all involved!
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