Crochet at Craftability
Craftability, Ipswich
Price Guide
This is rough guide for the cost of the event.
We believe this event will cost around £1-10, but please check the event description or booking site for exact pricing.
Dates & Times
Looks like there are no upcoming dates for this event.
Payment with booking. Classes will be a MAXIMUM of 10 with no direct facing. No refunds/transfer with less than 2 working days notice. Waiting list will be taken in case of cancellation. Contact details must be left. If Craftability cancels the workshop, a full refund will be given.
Information - Crochet at Craftability
Whether you are a complete beginner, an improver or wanting to extend your knowledge, this is the class for you!
This information has been submitted by another organisation or reference from the organisation website. Whilst we make every effort to make sure information
is correct and up-to-date, Ipswich.love cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. If you find any errors, please
report them to us and we will pass them onto the organiser.