Ipswich Charter 825

IN 2025, Ipswich is celebrating 825 years since King John decided to grant us a Royal Charter; bestowed on towns which were trading well but could do better with fewer restrictions. The Charter released the new class of merchants and tradespeople from the authority of the aristocracy, and they became be free to control their own economic affairs, trade with Europe, manage exports and imports as well as holding regular markets for local people. Ours is one of the oldest royal town charters in England’s history.

We will be marking the occasion with a Charter 825 Festival. In June 2025, the civic church of St Mary le Tower, which will then be Ipswich Minster, is  is leading the way, inviting other Ipswich organisations to remember the past and celebrate the future. Every school in the town will be invited to explore the significance of the Charter with its pupils, who will be able to enter age-appropriate poetry and art competitions based around this theme. Winning entries will be displayed on the Cornhill, through the generous support of the Borough Council.

Get ready for the celebratory week starting SATURDAY 21st JUNE 2025.

Read more articles written by David Matthews, Churchwarden, St Mary-le-Tower here:

Ipswich Minster – over 1,000 years of shared history

Ipswich Charter Festival 825

Ipswich Charter Festival 825 update

Ipswich Charter Festival 825 update – poetry competition!

Ipswich Charter Festival – the countdown begins

Update January 2025 – Ipswich Charter 825

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